

"At Home" with Rock Hudson

Price: $ 50.00   (Books)

Well here it is!!!!


At Home" With Rock Hudson: Behind The Walls Of His Life

Un-corrected Proof: With a Special Tribute To Elizabeth Taylor

(Volume 1)

[ ThickPaperback ]

Mr. Martin F. J. Flaherty III (Author)

Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 x 0.7 inches

312 pages, over 500 photos, over 70,000 words assembeled into over 20 stories!!!!

Years in the making!!!

My first in my series of books is now available!!!!

I will  issue a Certificate of Authenticity and personally sign them to you.

This book is probably the most personal book into the lives of Rock Hudson, George Nader, Claire Trevor, Roddy McDowell, Myself, Elizabeth Taylor, Rock's friends-servants-lovers, Marc Christian (the real story never before been told until now) and more, ever written.

It is the truth showing no bias.

I dedicate this book to our new Grand Daughter
Born November 04, 2011 to wonderful parents

Mr. and Mrs. Graham and Jenny Smorzewski
at the Irvine, California Kaiser hospital.
6 lbs. 7 oz.
9:36 pm
Adele Elizabeth Smorzewski
Peace be with you always.....




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Price: $ 55.00   (Books)

Introducing: (drum roll...)

“At Home” With Rock Hudson: Book # 2
More On The Inside,
Stories From The Legend,
Very Few Have Heard
By: Martin F.J. Flaherty III

Well,  it is finally here...the second in  my series of "At Home" with Rock Hudson books!!!
It is about 20% larger that the first book and filled with many more images and wonderful photos than the first book.

I want to thank you all for being so patient. And...due to problems with the publisher and rather than delay its release further, I'm sorry to say that some of the over  800   photos look a bit more "vintage" than I would have liked. It's only a few, mind you. I said... there's nothing that can that can be done at this point without further delaying publication.
I will be selling the book on my site for much less than at Amazon or any others out there... plus if you get it here, I  can sign it personally to you!
Another difference in this volume from the last is that I will be accepting  pre-paid orders from my customers. That means, I can order a larger volume of copies for the first printing from the publisher, ensuring greater savings which will be reflected back to you.
Per usual, I accept PayPal with my on-line ordering, and as soon as I  have acquired a large enough volume of orders, I will go ahead and place it with the publisher, CreateSpace.  This will be the fastest way of aquiring a copy as it won't be out anywhere else for a short while longer.


Remember: this is the 2nd Volume in what I hope will one day become valuable  "collector's editions"; they are "Uncorrected Proofs" publisher or editor has had a chance to shrink the stories down to suit their specifications. It is the raw and honest and emotional accounting of what went on at Rock's Castle...straight from the horse's mouth
(yours truly)!

I know you Rock Hudson fans will be ecstatic with this new set of tales from the place your orders soon! And don't forget to include any special messages or names you want included in your autographed edition! Can't wait to hear from you!

The postage will be under $10.00 domestic.  I am trying to fix this right now.

Here are a few pages I scanned from the PROOF  copy of my book:
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Additional Product Details and Reviews

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada; Bhagavad-Gita As It Is Comp

Price: $ 50.00   (Books)

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Bhagavad-Gita As It Is Complete Edition
Copyright: 1986, Volume: , Edition:

  • Signed By:
  • Inscribed:
  • Library Of:
  • Cover: Hard
  • Publishing Co.: The Bhaktivedante Book Trust


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Alice Storey; First Of All The Lawyers

Price: $ 40.00   (Books)

Alice Storey
First Of All The Lawyers
Copyright: 1988, Volume: , Edition:

  • Signed By:
  • Inscribed: No
  • Library Of:
  • Cover: Soft
  • Publishing Co.:


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Additional Product Details and Reviews

Allen Drury; Pentagon

Price: $ 40.00   (Books)

Allen Drury
Copyright: 1986, Volume: , Edition:

  • Signed By:
  • Inscribed: No
  • Library Of:
  • Cover: Soft
  • Publishing Co.:


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Additional Product Details and Reviews

Andrea Scott; Consumer Reports Buying Guide 2002

Price: $ 20.00   (Books)

Andrea Scott
Consumer Reports Buying Guide 2002
Copyright: 2002, Volume: , Edition:

  • Signed By:
  • Inscribed:
  • Cover: Soft
  • Publishing Co.: Consumer Reports


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Andy Gravette; Italy

Price: $ 40.00   (Books)

Andy Gravette
Copyright: 1993, Volume: , Edition:

  • Signed By:
  • Inscribed: No
  • Library Of:
  • Publishing Co.:


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Ann Coulter; Slander-Liberal Lies About The American Right

Price: $ 50.00   (Books)

Ann Coulter
Slander-Liberal Lies About The American Right
Copyright: 2002, Volume: , Edition:

  • Signed By:
  • Inscribed:
  • Library Of:            MARTIN FLAHERTY
  • Cover:                  Hard
  • Publishing Co.:    Crown Publishers, Inc.


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Anthony Summers; Goddess The Secret Lives Of Marilyn Monroe

Price: $ 150.00   (Books)

Anthony Summers
Goddess The Secret Lives Of Marilyn Monroe
Copyright: 1985, Volume: , Edition:


  • Signed By:
  • Inscribed: No
  • Library Of:ROCK HUDSON
  • Cover: Hard
  • Publishing Co.:


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Barbara Mcneill & Carol Guion; Noetic Sciences Collection 1980-1

Price: $ 150.00   (Books)

Barbara Mcneill & Carol Guion
Noetic Sciences Collection 1980-1990 Ten Years Of Consciousness Research
Copyright: 1990, Volume: , Edition:

  • Signed By:
  • Inscribed:GEORGE NADER
  • Library Of:
  • Cover: Soft
  • Publishing Co.: The Institute Of Noetic Sciences


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Updated: Tuesday, 25 June 2024 16:40
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